Altruistic kidney donations:
1st April – 31st March in each year
- 2007-8 = 6 donations
- 2008-9 = 15 donations
- 2009-10 = 15 donations
- 2010-11 = 28 donation
- 2011-12 = 34 donations
- 2012-13 = 76 donations
Since 1st April 2013 there have been 30 altruistic donations which is fantastic news.
I’m very much interested in being a living kidney organ donor can you please email me information on how to do this please?
Hi Andrew,
Fantastic you are interested in becoming a living donor. Suggest you read the links on the top left of this page under “become a donor” that will describe the whole process to you. Then check this page and locate your nearest transplant unit (or any one of your choice)
Then contact them and ask to speak with the “live donor co-ordinator” and take it from there.
Let us know how you get on and any more questions, please just ask.