
Posts Tagged ‘Di Franks’

Unfortunately I could not make the meeting but was told afterwards I had been given an award for my work in promoting living kidney donation. I am so honoured to have received this award and totally took me by surprise when I was told.

I have met some truly wonderful people along the way – donors, potential donors, recipients, medical staff and everyone that is connected with living donation.

I still get very excited when potential donors contact me and so proud and honoured to be able to be there for them. When I hear that they have donated I cannot help but shed a tear of pure joy and happiness that someone has given part of themselves to help save another’s life.

If anyone is considering donating a kidney, either to someone they know, or to a total stranger – I am here for you. I found my donation process emotionally lonely as only someone who has donated can truly know how we feel inside 🙂 ….. to be able to share feeling with someone who “understands”, or just ask questions about the donation process, can be hugely helpful and I am here for anyone who wants to make contact. You can use the “contact” link at the top of the page to privately make contact if you wish 🙂

Again, I am soooo chuffed to get this award. I was not able to make the meeting but will be presented with it in the near future. All I could say when I was told was to keep repeating the word “wow” 🙂 🙂


Are you considering donating a kidney either to someone you know or to a stranger?

If so you need to read these pages. You can ask your hospital all the questions you want. But unless the person you are speaking to has actually donated a kidney themselves – they will not know the answers to some of the questions.

Here on Living Kidney Donation website,  you will read a full account of what it is like being a kidney donor.

From the very first appointment “kidney donor evaluation begins” right through every stage of the evaluation, including the operation itself and recovery in the hospital and then recovery at home.

Please also read any comments made on posts as they contain valuable input from other donors or potential  donors.

There are many other links on the site …. all with useful information.

If you want to ask any questions please either post in the comments section below, or if you prefer to keep any questions private, then please contact me via the contact link at the top of the page.

Donating my kidney was the best thing I have ever done. Knowing there is someone out there whose life has totally changed and they are now able to live a full life with their family – is wonderful 🙂


Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and I so hope 2014 will be a great year for many of you.

Thank you so much for your support of this website. It makes my day when I receive a comment or someone contacts me through the website wanting more information or support through their donation experience.  I love also hearing from recipients, or family members of donors or recipients. Thank you all so much.

I also want to pass my thanks on to all those involved in the kidney donation process. Not just the front line i.e. doctors, co-ordinators, nurses etc  but all those that help to keep the hospitals running smoothly who perhaps we never even get to see.  I have always said, donating a kidney is a great team effort. Without the medical people, caterers, cleaners, administration  and everyone who works at the hospitals – we would not be able to donate.  I cannot list everyone who is involved as to be honest I know there will be some I will leave out – because I don’t even know they exist as their work is behind the scenes.! Great thanks to them and everyone.  you are all so truly appreciated.

People wonder whether Miracles exist – if 200 years ago someone said “one day we will be able to take out an organ from a living person and put it inside another living person – and they will both continue to live” – I am sure they would have been shouted out of town as a mad person. Yet here we are today with this great Miracle happening.  What will the next 50 years bring …..  I find it exciting just thinking about it as I am sure there are huge medical breakthrough that will happen during that time.

For those first timers to this website – thank you for visiting. To find out what it is like being a kidney donor, please check out the links top left of this page under the heading “become a donor”.  I do so hope I can inspire someone to consider donating a kidney, whether it is to a family member or friend who is in need of a kidney – or whether you feel you just want to help anyone – no matter who.  I have never regretted once my donation and only wish I had more spare kidneys as would so willingly donate again.   What greater gift could anyone give or receive.

So … everyone have a really wonderful Christmas and after years and years of trying to find the proof that Santa exists – he was spotted the other night …….. I will leave you all on this wonderful picture to bring smiles and chuckles from many .

Proof at long last

Proof that Santa really does exist

Proof that Santa really does exist


Altruistic kidney donations:

1st April – 31st March in each year

  • 2007-8   =  6 donations
  • 2008-9   = 15 donations
  • 2009-10 = 15 donations
  • 2010-11  = 28 donation
  • 2011-12  = 34 donations
  • 2012-13  = 76 donations

Since 1st April 2013 there have been 30 altruistic donations which is fantastic news.


Altruistic Kidney Donation (non-directed) =  is a form of donation whereby a healthy living person is able to donate  a kidney, to someone they do not know. The donor does not have a relationship with the recipient and is not informed who the recipient will be.

Giving someone their life back and giving them back to their family by donating one of your kidneys is a most wonderful thing to do. I cannot think of a better gift to give someone than to give them a second chance at life.

If you want to know more about being a donor then please read this website. Start with the links on the left under “become a donor”. You will hear my own views on the evaluation process I went through at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford. Each stage exactly what the tests were and how I felt about them.  I take you through the operation day, my emotions and thoughts and how I felt physically afterwards. Finally my recovery both the 2 days in hospital and then when at home.

I have not glossed over anything and if there was an aspect I was not happy with, I say so. Also read other peoples comments on my posts as each person can view the donation process differently and also have different reactions during the recovery period.  At the top of this page you will find a link to “Blogs” where people have given me their story both donors and people waiting for a kidney.  The “About” page gives my thoughts on why I wanted to donate etc.

So please start reading about what it is like to be a donor by selecting from the links on the left under “Become a Donor” or start with the first one here:

You can also find out more about being an altruistic donor by going to these links:
1) NHSBT (NHS Blood and Transplant) non directed Altruistic donation
2) HTA (Human Tissue Authority) non directed Altruistic donation

What I d know is that given the chance I would donate a kidney again – without hesitation.

Any questions please just ask or contact me directly using the Contact form, link is top right of page.


Di Franks

.“Take what you have, however little, and do your best with it.”



 “The Choice” with Michael Buerk.

This can now be listened to on BBC iplayer  BBC iplayer The Choice Di Franks

One to one chat with – Di Franks –  about my choice to altruistically donate a kidney and the consequences of that choice. Produced by Dawn Bryan this series has been aired for several years now and is hugely popular.

I hope some people will be inspired to consider donating themselves. It is truly a far greater experience than I ever imagined it would be went far beyond the donation itself – and if I could I would donate all over again.

If anyone has any questions about donation, please feel free to either comment on this post or to contact me  via the contact form, link top of page.

Di Franks
