
It is with regret that this website will be shutting down in January 2025. The cost of hosting etc has just skyrocketed and no longer is affordable. However, I will be trying to set up just a home page with contact details should anyone wish to make contact and ask for support. I will also try to download this website and if anyone wanted to read it, I could send them a copy of it.

I am also finding it harder and harder to maintain this site. What started as a very simple WordPress admin section, now is just so complicated (at least I find it so). I really don’t understand a lot of what I am meant to do etc and it becomes stressful. Let’s blame it on my age!

When I donated my kidney back in 2010 I thought that would be it. But no ….. I realised the one thing that was missing when I donated, was someone to talk to. Someone who had been there and could support and advise. So I set up this website hoping some would find it helpful. Little did I know how it would expand and to date I have helped/supported over 100 people. I feel so privileged to have been part of their experience.

I wish you all the very best in life. I will still be here if anyone wants to contact for support, or just a chat about anything 🙂 You can email me at company.account [at] – I think my emails associated with this page will get deleted when the website is.

Sending you all my love and best wishes.

Di Franks


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